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Operant Conditioning Quiz

Operant Conditioning Quiz

Indicate whether the following are examples of positive reinforcement (PR), negative reinforcement (NR), positive punishment (PP), or negative punishment (NP).

_____1. A child whines for candy until he receives it.

_____2. Your boss is yelling at you for being late for work.

_____3. You close your eyes during a scary movie.

_____4. A child loses a trip to the movies after misbehaving in the grocery store.

_____5. You avoid reading your psychology text until the day before the exam.

_____6. Your license is taken away for excessive speeding tickets.

_____7. You get a day off for meeting a sales goal at work.

_____8. Your spouse is nagging you for not picking up your shoes. 

_____9. Your dog gets a treat for urinating outside.

_____10. You put on your seatbelt to avoid the buzzer going off