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Essay on Word Choice

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                                                            Word Choice

The advice of Stephen King gives an insightful guide on the proper choice of words when writing. The advice further gives important advice on avoiding malignant parts of writing. King effectively defines, explains and guides on the best use of adverbs when writing to achieve simplicity in writing and avoid the fear of writing (Popova, 2013). This advice opens an author to the significance of the choice of words, especially adverbs and the best way to achieve the best selection. To assert his advice to the reader, King effectively uses examples to demonstrate his arguments about adverbs and the importance of the best choice of words when writing.

As a reader, word choice is important in understanding the reading, and also writing about a piece of literature. Writing is a dynamic process that requires the use of diverse words and careful choice of words to encode the message for the reader. Similarly, reading requires equally dynamic skills to extract the meaning from the text, through careful selection of words and interpretation. As a dynamic process, writing requires a proper choice of words that aligns with the writer’s topic and the sequence of the writing. The choice of words helps the author to be straight forward in his or her writing while maintaining his simplicity.

Therefore, to effectively choose words in my writing, I will consider the meaning of the words before using them. In understanding the meanings, I will explore the connotative and denotative meanings of every word to ensure that the selected words are appropriate for the sentence. At the same time, I will avoid vague words that do not pass a specific meaning to the reader. Moreover, I will use specific words that command the right tone and the appropriate level of diction. Through careful selection of words, my writing will be clear not only to me, but to the reader.

Popova, M. (2013). The Adverb Is Not Your Friend: Stephen King on Simplicity of Style. Retrieved From, <> June 18, 2015