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Essay on The Imago Dei Concept

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                                                            Imago Dei Concept

Imago Dei is the theological concept of the “The Image of God.” The concept is used by human beings uniquely as a symbol of the relationship between God and man. Rooted from the biblical narration of God created man in His own image, the concept creates a basis of establishing how man is related to God (Kliewer & Saultz, 2006). From the Christian perspective the concept gives the Christians the symbolic representation of God, especially when praying. Christians get the image to refer to when creating the representation of the presence of God, especially when praying.

The Imago Dei is relevant in the unique approach in health care, especially in relation to the role of God in healing. The concept finds its way to the health sector and practice, because of the belief that God is the ultimate healer (Kliewer & Saultz, 2006). Therefore, if healing comes from God, the Imago Dei concept represents the source of the healing. Therefore, the concept gives a relevant view of God, who represents the image that men were created from.

The Imago Dei concept is important because it gives the representation that affirms man was created from the image of God. The concept is important because it brings relevance of the healing ability of god in health care by presenting the source of healing. In the Christian concept, the people offer prayers to God for healing, and thus use a representation to symbolize the presence of God. The concept also gives health care professionals the symbol of god, as every patient is as important as other people; who are all created in the image of God (Kliewer & Saultz, 2006). The concept is therefore important in communicating a message that all people are equally important and valuable; as they are representations of God.

Kliewer, S., & Saultz, J.W. (2006). HealthCare and Spirituality. Milton Keynes: Radcliffe Publishing