Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Interview with Detective Ortiz
For this exercise, I called a detective who had assisted my friend with a pilferage case late last year. His name is Jeremy Ortiz, and works with the local police department. I was curious to know more about his career, his job, his ambitions, code of ethics and the challenges that face him in the day to day work. First, I asked him about his drive towards the career as a detective. This was targeted to know why he chose to be a detective. He was kind enough to explain that his passion drove him to the career. He explained that he had always wanted to be a detective since he was a child, especially with his admiration of his uncle, who worked with the FBI.
He explained that his involved taking investigative cases that are assigned to him by the seniors. On asking about the details, he explained that he has handled different types of cases, but mostly criminal cases like theft, corporate pilferage and sometimes homicide. He explained that every case is unique, different and has totally different circumstances. I did not want to ask the details because I could note he did not want to give specifics. On his ambitions, Ortiz was quick to point out that he is not done with the detective work. He explained that he intends to proceed with the career as a detective while pursuing higher studies for a higher rank in the service. He explained that he seeks to fulfill his ambitions of being among the best detectives in the service.
After asking about the code of ethics, he explained that this is the main driver to a successful career as a detective. He explained that the code of ethics guides them to do what they should do, and do it right. He further explained that the code of ethics guides them to carry investigations within the legal boundaries and professional guidelines. He explained that the main purpose of a detective is not just solving cases, but also to develop a culture of doing what is right in order to facilitate justice.
However, he noted some challenges in the work of a detective. To my surprise, he explained that the public present one of the major challenges to detectives. On inquiring, he described that the misconceptions about investigations and the perception that people have about detective work. He gave me an example that I related to, about how my friend was too expectant of the theft case to be solved, that he thought it would be closed within a week. I agreed with him, because I shared with the situation. He further pointed out that lack enough financing, slower career progression and increase in crime rates as the other major challenges. With these insights, I thanked him for taking time and responding to my interview. I believe that I got great insights that have inspired my resolve to learn this class with a higher devotion and commitment.
Ortiz, J. (Personal Interview, September 3, 2015)