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The purpose of this investigation is to clearly understand the anxiety disorder which is a mental illness. This is a leading and prevalent mental illness in the world. It affects 14% of adult population each year (Behar et al, 2009). It is not a life threatening illness, although it is to blame for 15% suicide committed by mentally sick individuals (Behar et al, 2009). It leads to many personal or social burdens, which with sufficient mental care, can be averted. The study will bring into light the various types of anxiety disorders that usually exist and pose as health hazards. This study will help understand and watch out on all the causes involved. It will also help to better appreciate the importance of mental health care.
The Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety disorder is an occasional and an uncontrolled emotional feeling of panic or fear (Bourne 2008). People with anxiety disorder are said to be suffering from a mental illness. They have unique and unusual ways of responding to events or situations that are usually normal for healthy people. Their reactions or responses sometimes are evidently felt throughout their bodies. There may be evidence of fast heart beats, sweating profusely and uncontrolled shaking of the entire body (Behar et al, 2009). They constantly worry about everything and mostly misinterpret information. They always think of the possibility of harm. In fact, they are overwhelmed by fear making it very impossible to lead normal lives. However, this condition is not permanent but can be fatal if not treated.
A person can receive professional treatment appropriate to the kind of condition, he or she is suffering from. This can be through drugs or psychological counseling. People get anxious feeling every day, but the normal human emotion can be controlled (Behar et al, 2009). However, when this emotion is beyond the control and is clearly interfering with a person’s normal living it ceases to be just anxiety. It is a condition that is known as anxiety disorder (Bourne 2014).
Types of anxiety disorders
One type of anxiety disorder is panic disorder. This type of disorder is different to the normal feeling of anxiety. This condition occurs suddenly without any visual warnings (Millichamp 2011). A person experiencing this type of condition often has an extreme response to stressful situations. She/he may develop a fast heart rate and abnormal sweating in response to conditions that may not be life threatening. If not treated, this type of person will eventually develop a constant fear of going through that experience again. This condition is mostly prevalent in people who are depressed, abusing drugs or alcoholics.
Obsessive compulsive disorder is another type of anxiety disorder. A person suffering from this type of disorder often performs certain rituals or has a repetitive behavior that she/he cannot control (Millichamp 2011). A person experiences irritating constant thoughts of wanting to control or perform certain rituals, hence the name obsessive. The overwhelming desire to repetitively want to behave in a certain manner or want to perform certain rituals called compulsives. A person may develop strong emotions towards insecurity and may relax severally their doors (Behar et al, 2009). This person often does not vent out events that happens in the past, they often hoard things that are usually unnecessary.
Post-traumatic stress and social disorder is the other type or an anxiety disorder. This type of disorder is triggered by events that happened in the past (Millichamp 2011). These events may have been life threatening and may have caused harm. A person experiencing this condition often has been a victim or a witness in a life threatening ordeal such as rape, abductions, plane crash or even natural disasters. The person often gets flash backs of those unpleasant events and may immediately start feeling stressed and frightened. This happens even when they are not in danger anymore Social disorder is a type of condition is prevalent in people with self-esteem issues (Behar et al, 2009). They often get embarrassed have an inferiority complex and are afraid to show up in social gatherings. They particularly worry about how they are going to be judged by others. They criticize every detail of their behavior to ensure that they do not attract attention in public or worse get ridiculed. They lack self confidence completely.
Finally, specific phobia is the most commonly known condition. It centers from the fact that one is particularly terrified of certain objects or situations (Millichamp 2011). The most commonly known phobias are; for snakes, height or darkness. A person suffering from this type of disorder often behaves extremely in his/her particular phobia. The levels of fear are often very high and inappropriate even if the situation does not warrant such
Causes and Symptoms
The exact cause of anxiety disorder is not known. However, it is becoming evident that biological and environmental factors are the greatest contributors to this condition (Bourne 2008). This means that events, happenings that are life threatening may trigger one to suffer from this condition. It is also clear that genetically transmitted. In this case, a person who has inherited this type or disorder is more likely to suffer from it, in case of insignificant or life threatening events.
No laboratory tests can sufficiently conclude that a person is suffering from anxiety disorder. Usually this mental illness is diagnosed by a professional psychiatrist. However, there are several physical indicators that are evident in a person suffering from this condition. According to Millichamp (2011), they are; the intense uncontrolled emotion of worry, fast heart rate or chest pains, chills, severe sweating, a constant feeling of the possibility of death or harm, uncontrolled shaking and breathing difficulties are some of the physical symptoms.
Epidemiology and Treatment
Anxiety disorder is the most common type of mental illness. Prevalence studies in the field of psychiatry have analyzed findings that there are 15.7 million people suffer from this mental disorder in the United States each year (Behar et al, 2009). World Mental Health Organizations have concluded that the prevalence anxiety disorder is more likely to happen to women than in men (Behar et al, 2009). This condition can exist from a one’s childhood through adulthood (Behar et al, 2009). If not treated, this disorder has shown to increase the rate of suicide, reduced productivity and mostly more people embracing solitude.
A person suffering from anxiety disorder requires medical interventions. It is normally not a voluntary task. This is largely because such a person may not be aware that he/she is sick and may even refuse medication (Millichamp 2011). In this regard, it is essential for a person to seek a professional practitioner in the field of mental illness. And more importantly, have a supporting environment to allow one to heal. The good news is that anxiety disorder can be treated and cured. There are various forms of treatments that are available and appropriate to the specific disorder one may be suffering from. This is because each disorder is separate from the others and requires a specific type of treatment (Behar et al, 2009). People suffering from anxiety disorder can be treated through medications, psychotherapy and cognitive behavior therapy.
It is very important to detect and treat this disorder earlier. By doing so, one reduces the costs and problems associated with anxiety disorder. This can improve a person’s general outlook and one is able to lead a normal, healthy life. However, it is important to note that some symptoms may not be physically evident and so it makes it hard to diagnose certain people. When life threatening events happens to a particular person, mental care is necessary to avert the possibility of suffering from this mental illness.
Behar, E., DiMarco B., Mohlman H., Hekler, E.B., & Staples, A. M. (2009). “Current theoretical models of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): Conceptual review and treatment implications”. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 2009 Dec; 23 (8): 1011-23.
Bourne, J E. (2014). The anxiety and phobia workbook. California: New Harbinger Publications
Millichamp C.K. (2011). Geralized anxiety disorder. Clinical evidence. Retrieved from <> 5 October, 2015