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Annotated Bibliography
Article One: Shim, S. H. (2008).
PART 1: Annotation
The article argues that a teacher should not only develop the learners, but should also use the teaching process to develop themselves. The article further argues that the role of a teacher is not only portrayed in achieving the goal, but also on the means of achieving the goal. The article covers a range of topics from the ideologies of Plato, Confucius as well as Buber ad Freire. In addition, the article covers teaching methodology, planning in teaching and the topic of universality of good as argued by historical educators.
This article uses case studies of historical experts as a way of analyzing their ideals by relying on secondary data. The conclusion of this research is that the role of a teacher depends on the approaches that a teacher embraces in establishing a relationship with the learners. The findings of the research are the similarities and divergencies of historical philosophers on the role of a teacher is the creation of the relationship with the students. Despite basing the article on secondary sources as as literature review, the article relevant information for educators. The article recommends that educators should explore the roles of a teacher by understanding the diverse positions of different philosophies.
PART 2: The Assessment
The article is a useful source since it explores the roles of a teacher in an ideal context by examining philosophical perspectives of Plato, Freire, Confucius and Buber. The information is reliable as Shim (2008) discusses the role that teachers attains on themselves and on other people since teaching develop them. This makes the article more objective and better than other sources of information for research. The main goal of the article is to explore ways through which the teaching process varies depending on the approaches and ideological perspectives adopted by a teacher.
PART 3: The Reflection
This article fits the research since it explores the most significant elements of pedagogy by focusing on the role of the teacher. According to Plato the role of a teacher is to direct people towards knowledge (Shim, 2008). On the other hand, Confucius views the teacher as a leader in helping learners to self-cultivate themselves. However, Buber views the teacher as a relationship builder and a facilitator of the relationship between the teacher and the students, finally, Freire views the role of a teacher as that of an inspirer, who invokes students to learn from their situations (Shim, 2008). Despite all the differences, the four philosophers view a teacher as a leader in building a relationship that achieves the goal of teaching. Through the understanding of these arguments, the article will present a valid discussion that fits adoption for research.
Article Two: Deans, T. (1999).
PART 1: Annotation
The main argument of the article is how service-learning in both a pragmatic vein and a critical pedagogy vein differ in terms of philosophical perspectives, especially in terms of theory and practice The article explores the experimental learning theories as well as service-learning.
This research uses secondary data to explore view of John Dewey and Freire and provide analysis of the findings as a literature study. The research finds out the similarities of Deweyan and Freirean views in regard to experimental learning theories, as well as divergencies of the two educational philosophies. The conclusion of the research is that educational philosophies and theories of learning by John Dewey and Paulo Freire present diverse views that can be applied in different educational processes of teaching. Therefore, Deans (1999) recommends that teachers need should apply divergent approaches to learning theories. The limitations of this research is reliance on the secondary information due on the views of Dewey and Freire and not direct views of teachers and educators.
PART 2: The Assessment
The research is valid since the article presents information on the roles of teachers as viewed by two educational philosophy experts. The article explores reliable as Deans (1999 ) how Dewey and Freire address issues relating to; individual relationship with the society and invokes the reader to reflect. The article is better than other research sources since Deans (1999) describes the divergent views of the two educational philosophers and how they focus on the theories of education. While Dewey emphasizes on educational diversities of a community and social segregations, Freirer reflects on social differentiations that are based on the education process. However, Deans (1999) explores the similarity that the two experts view the teaching as a relationship building process.
PART 3: The Reflection
The exploration of the philosophical theories of John Dewey and Freire presents important information that fits the research by presenting their perspectives on service-learning. The research that Deans (1999) describes contains crucial comparisons that the research will depend on without further exploring the Freirean and Deweyan philosophies. Moreover, the article explores the Dewey’s discussion and reflection on how race, power and social class influence learning process.
Deans, T. (1999). “Service-Learning in two keys: Paulo Freire’s Critical Pedagogy in Relation to
John Dewey’s Pramatism.” Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning.Fall 1999, 15-29
Shim, S. H. (2008). A philosophical investigation of the role of teachers:
A synthesis of Plato, Confucius, Buber, and Freire. Teaching and Teacher Education 24 (2008) 515–535