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American Industrial Revolution
The development of America in the late nineteenth century involved several contributors and groups in the country. These groups were either those that were affected by the economic changes or caused the economic developments. One of the most significant groups of Americans was the entrepreneurs (Brezzina, 2005). This group is described by the people who ventured into business in the early developments in the American history. This group caused the economic developments that have been witnessed in the country since independence by changing the cottage industries into large significant enterprises not only in America but in the world.
In the last quarter of the nineteenth century, there were revolutionary developments in transport, communication and energy production (Barnes & Bowles, 2014). In addition, there was a significant social growth of the middle class because of the developments of a working class as industries offered jobs. The government played a strong role in providing the right economic environment through effective policies that allowed capitalistic expansion of industries and enterprise (Barnes & Bowles, 2014). In addition, the government provided support for private enterprises to start, grow and expand enterprises within and outside the United States. Moreover, the government established the right legal environment through legislation that favored capitalistic growth of business.
In response to the favorable economic environment in the country, entrepreneurs started to expand businesses by establishing enterprises in the country. The response was effective as evident in the social, economic developments that were experienced in America in the last quarter of the nineteenth century and beyond (Wille, 2012). The changes in the society that created a large middle class led to the development new industries by the entrepreneurs because of the available markets.
Barnes, L. & Bowles, M. (2014). The American story: Perspectives and encounters from 1877. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Brezzina, C. (2005). The Industrial Revolution in America: A Primary Source History of America’s Transformation Into an Industrial Society. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group
Wille, F. (2012).The American Industrial Revolution. Retrieved From, <> June 3, 2015