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The Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a health condition and a type of dementia that affects the victim by killing the brain cells. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for about 50% to 80% of all the types of dementia (Lecture 3, 2015). Because of the world concern about Alzheimer’s disease and an increase in its prevalence, especially among the aged group, it is important to discuss the condition. The discussion seeks to understand Alzheimer’s disease by exploring what it is known of, its progression stages and the intervention for families with an Alzheimer’s disease patient. This understanding will inform the suggestion of factors that increase stress for such families.
Potential causes
Progressive death of brain cells is the primary cause of the Alzheimer’s disease. According to Morris and Becker (2004), Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the death of the brain over a period of time. As the disease develops, the effects lead to the shrinking of the brain tissue, which reduces the size of the brain (Poon, et al Sprouse, 2003). However, the exact cause of the death of the brain cells and eventually the Alzheimer’s disease is not conclusively known. Despite being having an inconclusive cause, there is a close association of Alzheimer’s disease with reduced neurotransmitter activity, tau-protein abnormalities and the extracellular Beta-amyloid (Morris & Becker, 2004). These can be explained by exploring the potential risk factors that lead to the condition.
Risk factors
One of the risk factors is age and aging. This is perceived risk factor because of the observation that Alzheimer’s disease mostly affects the people from the age 30 but prevalence increases as people age (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). In terms of occurrence, many people experience the late-onset Alzheimer’s disease from the age of 60. This makes the risk of experiencing the condition increase with time, as a person ages.
Another risk factor is genetics and genetic characteristics. Genetics is closely associated with genetics as a risk factor when the disease is caused by the genes passed from a parent to the offspring (Poon, et al Sprouse, 2003). Scientists have suggested a number of genes that are suspected to be passed from parents and increase the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease. One of them is the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene, which is common with the late-onset Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015). APOE gene may exist in a number of forms, such as APOEe4, all which are observed in different stages of the Alzheimer’s disease (Alzheimer’s Association, 2015).
Another risk factor is the combination of the environmental and lifestyle factors. These are factors that lead to the existence of other health conditions, such as degenerative diseases; which are risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. Some of the health conditions that are associated with experience of Alzheimer’s disease include stroke; diabetes, obesity, coronary heart diseases, and high blood pressure (Rowe & Khan, 1998). While these diseases were not determined to have a specific contribution to the occurrence of the Alzheimer’s disease, their presence has been linked through clinical processes to facilitate Alzheimer’s disease.
Stages of progression
Alzheimer’s disease occurs in three stages that make their symptoms at different levels. The first stage is mild Alzheimer’s disease where the patient experiences frequent losses in memory (Lecture 3, 2015). At this stage, the Alzheimer’s disease is a neurological disorder causing the memory loss because by killing the brain cells. This stage lasts for between two to four years.
The second stage is the moderate Alzheimer’s disease, which lasts for two to ten years. At this stage, the patient loses his or her ability to carry out some basic activities independently. At this stage, the patient further experiences difficulties in speech and coordination because of the neurodegenerative form of the condition that significantly reduce in their cognitive abilities (Rowe & Khan, 1998). The third stage of the Alzheimer’s disease is the most severe or late stage, which lasts from one to three or more years. At this state, the patient is totally confused about the past as well as the present because of the advanced level of loss of cognitive abilities.
Intervention for Older Persons and Stress factors
One of the most important intervention measures for old people is proper diet and healthy meals. Diet and nutrition helps to keep the brain cells healthier by nourishing them well for better memory. In addition, diet facilitates growth of more brain cells, despite the death of the cells caused by Alzheimer’s disease. Another intervention is proper management of other health conditions that older people have (Rowe & Khan, 1998). For instance, combating the vascular conditions and degenerative diseases can reduce their chances of acting as the risk factors of developing Alzheimer’s disease. These diseases can be managed through treatment or medication for the reduction of their effect on the human body (Rowe & Khan, 1998). Moreover, healthy practices to help older people to remain healthy are a good intervention. Healthy practices include physical activity, regular social engagements and promoting mentally stimulating activities for the aged.
For families with an Alzheimer’s disease patient, one factor that causes stress is the increase emotional concern due to the demand for attention by the patient. Another factor is the high cost of treatment and management of the condition. The patients require medical treatment, imaging costs and regular medication, which costs the family (Rowe & Khan, 1998). In addition, physical requirement for personal care causes stress for the family. Alzheimer’s disease patients require daily and regulate personal care, which requires that families dedicate full time care to them (Morris & Becker, 2004). These factors cause challenges for the family with an older person with the Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Association. The Search for Alzheimer’s Causes and Risk Factors. Retrieved From, <> September 29, 2015
Lecture 3, 2015, Lesson 3: The Psychological Context of Aging: Mental and Emotional Well Being. Class Notes, 2015 Pearson Education, Inc, 2/17/2015
Morris, R., & Becker, J. (2004). Cognitive Neuropsychology of Alzheimer’s Disease. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Poon, L., Gueldner, S.H., & Sprouse, B.M. (2003). Successful Aging and Adaptation with Chronic Diseases. New York: Springer Publishing Company
Rowe, J.W., & Khan, R.L. (1998). Successful Aging. Michigan: University of Michigan