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Cosmic Perspective on Human Extinction

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The relation of the age of the universe to the standard human age significantly contributes to our understanding of the lifetime of the universe from the formation to date. The relation that forms the basis of the cosmic calendar presents human beings with a timely tool for understanding the current time and the threat of extinction. The universe has existed for billions of years, all which has had significant developments as per the evolution and the big bang theories. Therefore, every single billion years formed a step towards the evolution of the universe in the current state.

As the universe developed to current state, several species existed and the environment changed over time leading to survival challenges of various species. Consequently, many species have become extinct billions and millions of years ago, giving a viable trend of predicting the time of the extinction of the current species, human beings included (Bennett, 1999). The cosmic calendar provides a methodology of aligning the existence of various species in history that can be used to relate the threat of extinction of human beings to the current threatening conditions.

The main threatening condition that affirms the extinction of human beings is the current developments and civilization that man has developed in the last few seconds of December 31 in the cosmic calendar (Bennett, 2002). The developments are a threat to the existence of human beings since the technology adopted by man can destroy the human race and even destroy the earth. Moreover, the developments contribute to the destruction of the environment at a rate faster than the adoption of man to fit in the new conditions. This shows that human beings will not continue living as the species will become extinct.

                                                Human Beings will become Extinct

Human beings have lived differently from other species because of their abilities and desire to increase these abilities for better and simpler life. Since Stone Age, the human beings have developed several civilizations and evolved into more intelligent and able creatures that can explore the environment better. This evolution has led to the development of technologies and civilization that has threatened the livelihood that human beings are trying to enhance. According to the cosmic calendar, the human race has developed into a highly civilized and modernized race in the last ten seconds of December 31 (Bennett, 1999). This indicates that by the end of the year, in the upcoming few seconds of the cosmic calendar, the human race might be extinct. Therefore, in the opposition to the statements in the text, I hold that human beings will become extinct.

One of the main indications of the extinction of human beings species is the extinction of other species over time. The extinction of these species shows the possibility of every species to follow the same route despite being differently able to survive in the environment. With the changes in the environment, all the species are changing as a way of developing becoming fit for the survival in the new environment. The same case has been a reality for the human beings. However, the human beings have accelerated their changes to adapt to the environment at a faster rate by taking advantage of their abilities, creating a higher risk of extinction.

In addition, the human being has changed ahead of time in relation to the changes in the environment. This reality is possible because of the advancement of the human race has exceeded the capacity of the environment to accommodate these changes. An evidence of this reality is the impact of industrialization to the environment. Emergence of industries has caused global warming due to pollution and environmental destruction through the use of dangerous technology. The destruction of the environment has been a result of trying to make the life of the human beings easier and more advanced. However, the situation is counterproductive in the long term for the life span of a human being is gradually reducing and making many a species that is vulnerable to his own development.

In a bid to enhance life since the early man, human beings have become more of enemies to themselves than friends of the species. This has made human beings the most dangerous enemies not only to themselves, but also to other species. The evidence is in the rate at which human beings are killing their fellow human beings and the emergence of wars all over the world. By doing this, it shows the extent at which human beings can go to secure their own survival, even if it is at the expense of their own species. Consequently, the human beings have set a trend that can predict their own extinction at the hands of their technology and interests.

After humans developed incredible civilization in December 31 in the cosmic calendar, the direct and the indirect consequence has become a threat of extinction to the species (Bennett, 2002). With other species having been extinct, the developments made by human beings presents the evidence that human beings will not survive the results of their own technology. Therefore, it is rational to conclude that human beings will become extinct just like other species that have disappeared before.

Bennett, J.O. (2002). The solar system. Boston: Addison Wesley Longman

Bennett, J.O. (1999). The Cosmic Perspective. Boston: Addison Wesley Longman