Student Name
Institutional Affiliation
Healthcare Professional Interview
Internal medicine is the specialty that was selected for the interview. Internal medicine is the specialty that deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of adult diseases. Internal medicine doctors and experts are called Internists. Internists focus on diagnosing, treating and providing compassionate care for adults (Miller et al, 2009). Internists use their understanding of the human anatomy and physiology to perform their duties. For one to be an internist, they should dedicate at least three years of their undergraduate and postgraduate studies to diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect adults. This group of doctors should not be confused with interns because they are at a much higher level of the medical profession. To explore more on the specialty, I interviewed Gupta Gandhi, an internal medical doctor.
Contact information of the interviewee.
Name: Gupta Gandhi
Institution: South East Hospital, Florida
Email: [email protected]
Interview Questions and Responses
- Why did you choose to be an internist?
Growing up in India, I experienced many adults fall ill with no money to take them to the hospital. They stayed at home until they recovered or died. I always wished I could help but I had no means. I promised myself to work hard in school and be a doctor to help similar cases. That is why I am here today.
- How long have you been in this profession?
(Hesitates a little) I have been an internist for around 15 years now.
- What do you like best about your job?
I like this job because of many reasons. Number one, it gives me a sense of purpose on this earth. I wake up every day knowing that I am headed to my place of work to help fellow human beings. The job is also challenging, hence keeping me on my toes. Every day, I experience new cases, some of which I have never encountered in my whole medical career.
- How do you help influence the decisions of your patients?
Sometimes, when a patient is diagnosed with a lifestyle disease, they may be reluctant to shun their old habits. In such an event, I always give them the full information of what they should do if they intend to get better or reduce the effects of the disease. I also point out the possible effects if they do not adhere. I then let them make a decision.
- What are the three determinants that help patients access your care?
This hospital is cheap and therefore accessible to many patients seeking medical care. The hospital has a good publicity program. We are known to be among the most professional hospitals in the region. Finally, our diagnostic and care giving facilities are modern therefore more reliable.
- What do you think of the current healthcare legislation and how does it impact your job?
The current healthcare legislation does not consider the poor in the society. Many people that are in need of healthcare cannot visit hospitals because they cannot afford health insurance. The situation makes it hard for us to save people that are in need of our services.
- What do you think the future of this profession holds? Are you excited?
More people are joining this profession, bringing in more expertise with them. The future looks bright because more internists will help reduce our current workload.
- What is the current health trend that you are experiencing?
The rate of obesity- related diseases is increasing quite fast. The number of obese people diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases has doubled the figures that I used to experience in the last decade. We need to do something before it becomes catastrophic.
Gupta, J. (Personal Interview, November 23, 2015)
Miller R.A., Pople H.E., Myers, J.D., (2009). Internist-I, an Experimental Computer-Based Diagnostic Consultant for General Internal Medicine. New England Journal of medicine; 307(6): 468- 478.