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Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Practice

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                                    Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Practice

Evidenced-Based Practice (EBP) is the use of the best available information and research evidence in decision making about patient care (Conner, 2014). In the nursing practice, we apply scientific evidence on a daily basis as we seek to take care of patients. In my practice, I can apply EBP to improve my decision making and achieve clinical expertise in taking care of the patients I care for. I can also apply EBP to make an expert opinion in about the health care circumstances I face in patient care.

Most importantly, EBP provides me with information, which is the best resource in health care and making decisions about patients. According to Leufer and Cleary (2013) the use of EBP is important because it equips nurses to provide the highest level of quality services with the best possible resources available. Therefore, I can also apply evidence-based practice in understanding how to handle health care processes and procedures such as catheterization process.

While the use of EBP is important, the lack of management support in some nursing environments poses an impediment to the implementation of EBP. The practice of EBP should be supported through nursing research, which lacks in some clinical environments. At the same time, the lack of financial resources to support nursing research is also an impediment to the practice of EBP in most clinical environments.

To promote EBP in my nursing practice, I will focus on the use of information from nursing research and apply it in all my nursing processes. Through the use of nursing research, I will get the evidence-based information to apply in my practice. Another strategy is to develop questions that require nursing information from evidence-based content and publications (Leufer & Cleary, 2013). Applying this strategy will open me to more information. In addition, I can use EBP to develop more knowledge or the need for information about health care that will be achieved through nursing research


Conner, B. (2014). Differentiating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement, American Nurse Today, June 2014, (9): 6, 1-7

Leufer, T., & Cleary, J. (2013). Evidence-based practice: improving patient outcomes.
Nursing Standard, 2013, 23 (32): 35-39.