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Essay on Peer Discussion Response Posts

Peer Discussion Response Posts

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                                                            Response for Student 1: Sherita

Dear Sherita,

You have clearly identified the non-IT risks that are associated with Rusty Rim’s business environment. The explanation that you have presented is very clear and brings into light these risks in a manner that is convincing enough. You have attained this by clearly demonstrating the different categories of risks and where they fall. In addition, your knowledge based presentation on how these risks can be mitigated is on point. The facts that you have provided demonstrates your vast knowledge of the business and its environment. However, you have not provided enough convincing facts and demonstrations of how much the business environment will suffer if and when such losses occur. According to Hakansson et al (2009), it is important to identify and categorize the risks of a business. These risks tend to affect the business environment and the impact of their losses affects business performance (Rainer & Cegielski, 2010). Other than that, I agree with the way you have presented your arguments as it demonstrates your knowledge of the business environment and the risks that are associated therein.    

                                                Comment for Student 2

Hi there

I agree with the administrative risks that you have identified in the Rusty Rim’s business environment. You have gone further and identified the impacts of such risks to the business environment. According to Hellriegel and Slocum (2011), this is a vital technique in classifying and mitigating risks in any business environment. However, I feel that the risks that you have provided are a bit biased. This is solely because they do not cover the full scope of the business environment and particularly the active operations department. In addition, although you have attempted to argue the most applicable mitigations to the risks you have provided, I believe the arguments that you have presented are not convincing enough. Otherwise the manner through which you I have identified these departmental risks and presented them is on point.


Hakansson, H., Prenkert, F. & Waluszewski, A. (2009). Use of Science and Technology in Business: Exploring the Impact of Using Activity for Systems, Organizations, and People. Bingley, West Yorkshire: Emerald Group Publishing

Hellriegel, D., & Slocum, J. (2011). Principles of Organizational Behavior. Nashville, Tennessee: South-Western Publishing

Rainer, R., & Cegielski, C. (2010). Introduction to information systems: Supporting and transforming business, New York: John Wiley & Sons